Our flagship educational programme Boole2School launches with math lesson plans for George Boole Day this November.
Announcing our flagship outreach programme: Boole2School is an educational initiative promoting math and science through Boolean Math lessons. George Boole Day falls on November 2, 2015 and marks the bicentenary of famous logician George Boole, who was the first professor of Mathematics at University College Cork. This initiative will see children aged 8- 18 have the opportunity to learn about Boolean math. They will be introduced to Boole, the man, his mathematics, logic and legacy.
Over the next 6 months, Boole2School will register participating classes in schools across the country and around the world. This programme will culminate on George Boole Day, but our lesson plans are ready to go now, written for and road tested by math teachers across Ireland. We invite schools to get involved in celebrating the George Boole bicentennial and share with them the foundational ideas behind mathematics and computer science. Resource packs are available for all who would like to become involved with the George Boole 200 programme; lessons have been developed for students from 3rd class to Leaving Certificate.
Mathematics is a life skill and problem solving is one of the transferable assets to be taken and applied to all forms of study and stages of life. Logic puzzles encourage children to learn how to use logic, reasoning and principles of deduction which can even be applied to everyday scenarios. By following a process of elimination, students will be able to deduce solutions to the puzzles. The Boole2School lesson plans are designed to encourage students to use high-order thinking and problem solving skills.
You will find that we have provided all you need to get involved and teach a Boolean logic lesson. We created sample questions for students of all ages, with comprehensive lesson plans and an array of kid-friendly puzzles. We invite all teachers to register online, in order to ensure that have all the materials you require.
Boole, the first Professor of Mathematics in University College Cork, then known as Queen’s College Cork, has been dubbed the forefather on the information age. He was a self-taught mathematician who never had the opportunity to formally attend University, and yet he devised a way of looking at thought processes through algebra. This has led to many applications for Boolean Logic and today the use of this logic is apparent in all electronic and communication gadgets that surround us. His discoveries motivate educators and scientists around the world.
Inspired by Maths Circles Ireland, the George Boole 200 Programme with the support of UCC’s Math Department have created lesson plans and resource packs for all who would like to become involved. ATECI with the help of NAPD, IPPN, PDST and with generous support from EMC are driving the project forward and are planning to have every school student in the country doing a lesson based on the work of George Boole on his bicentennial.
If you would like to become involved with the George Boole 200 programme of events in 2015, with the George Boole 200 legacy projects, or with any other aspect of the celebrations, we would love to hear from you. You can find us on Twitter @Boole2School!